Dulandi & Sidney
December 5th 2009
Dulandi & Sidney
Written by: freddie
Published on December 5th 2009
Published on December 5th 2009
Posted in Weddings
Just outside Hobhouse, right on the Caledon river this family farm is probably one of the most picturesque wedding venues I’ve been privileged enough to take photos at.
It’s difficult to capture the essence of this place in a couple of photos, you have to be there to experience the texture and smell of the woodlands and the old mill.
Here are a few highlights.
1 comment
Comment from: Dulandi Leech [Visitor]
Aan alle toekomstige bruide: 'n Mens 'n troudag is die spesiaalste dag in jou lewe maar dit kan ook baie stresvol wees. Ons het op Don Don, 150 km buite Bloemfontein getrou. Freddie was omtrent 3 ure voor die tyd al daar en het eers 12:30 die aand weer terug gery Bloemfontein toe. Hy het van die eerste oomblik af ons op ons gemak laat voel en glo my dit is baie belangrik vir jou foto's. Ek sal hom enige dag vir enige funksie aanbeveel. Freddie baie dankie vir jou besonderse bydrae tot my en Sidney se spesiale dag!
05/19/10 @ 13:44
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